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Writer's pictureMallory Thompson

Canal Town Book Festival 2022

Finally we are able to have our festival in public again! We joined the Canal Dover Festival on Labor Day weekend. We had 40 authors set up tents around the square by the main stage. Friday night our guest speaker Julie Anne Lindsey talked about the process of how a book gets from the mind of the author to bookstore shelves. Julie Anne is a prolific writer of cozy mysteries and romantic thrillers. If any libraries are looking to hire an engaging and personable speaker I highly recommend her.

I illustrated this year's posters with stacks of books, English ivy, and a lock an key, inspired by the Secret Garden. I made a passport listing all of the authors, their social media and their location in the square. I even drew a map of the location, which was a first for me. Attendees would get a grand prize raffle ticket for visiting every author. We had several other raffles that attendees could get tickets for by purchasing books from the authors. It was a great opportunity to meet many local authors. I personally was excited to meet Alex Erickson who wrote Death by Hot Apple Cider.

This year we were celebrating the 120 year anniversary of the Dover Public Library. I was asked to design a commemorative plate that would be auctioned off by the Exchange Club, with the proceeds going to fund scholarships.

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