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Preservation Assessment


This project is an example of my ability to assess preservation conditions, communicate with staff to better understand a situation, and recommend steps to improve the preservation environment.

For this project, I spent 3 days investigating the building, environment, and local history collection. I interviewed managerial staff about the history of the building, equipment, goals and disaster planning. Then taking the information I gathered I wrote about the issues the organization is facing when it comes to protecting its local history and why each of these elements is important. I made recommendations for steps to take to ensure the Local History collection is protected, using the information I learned in my classes.

Program Learning Outcomes

Class: LIS60654 Preservation Conservation

PLO 1: Apply the field's foundational theories, principles, values, ethics, and skills to everyday practice.

PLO 4: Evaluate systems and technologies relevant to a particular information context.


Collection Analysis

Verbal and Written Communication




Patkus Assessment Worksheets

PSAP (Preservation Self-assessment Program)

Google Docs

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