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Information Ecology


This project is an example of my ability to observe the natural flow and usage of the library in order to identify how layout, staff and signage affect how patrons navigate the library. This helps me to identify what is working and what areas can be improved upon to better serve the community.

For this project, I observed how patrons use the children's department at the Dover Public Library. What are their needs? What questions do they ask? Are they comfortable approaching staff? Do they know where to find what they are looking for? How do staff and patrons interact? All of these questions help me figure out what is working and what is not working for the library. Empowering patrons, organizing the collection in a sensible way and creating signs that communicate clearly with patrons is important.

Program Learning Outcomes

Class: LIS60030 People in the Information Ecology

PLO 1: Apply the field's foundational theories, principles, values, ethics, and skills to everyday practice.

PLO 4: Evaluate systems and technologies relevant to a particular information context.

PLO 5: Identify needs and connect individuals and communities with information that engages and empowers them.



User Experience

Patron Services


Google Docs

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